Our Sustainable Vineyards

We focus on long-term quality and consistency, which begins in the vineyard with a minimalistic, sustainable but precise approach then continues in the cellar making wines characterized by fresh fruit on the nose, complexity, harmony, sharp acidity, and incredible aging potential.

Sustainable Winegrowing Ontario

Sustainable systems value soil health and biodiversity with an approach to growing that sees the vineyard as a complex integrated loop. In this circle people, flora, fauna and microbial life, aided by soil and water quality, contribute to the overall health of the environment and therefore the quality of the crop.


A sustainable approach to viticulture requires an intimate knowledge of pests and diseases, meticulous monitoring and pragmatic observation. Despite the increased labor investment in some cases, there is a payoff not only through the peace of mind associated with these practices, but in the quality of the grapes and wines.


The three pillars of sustainability integrate economics, ecology and community.

Economics: For a business to be truly “sustainable” in the long term, it must support itself and the employees financially. Hence
it needs to be efficient, and ecologically sustainable living within carrying capacities and conservation of resources;

Environment: Soil, water, and air quality are protected and enhanced through integrated farming techniques. Key practices in the
vineyard include cover cropping, composting, reduce or eliminate the use of synthetic chemical inputs, support of the biodiversity,
conservation of water, reduction in waste and implementation of energy efficiency programs;

Community: People are vital component to every operation. Socially responsible business decisions include fair treatment of employees and pursuing positive community relationships.

At Ferox, protecting the community and the surrounding environment is our responsibility and fundamental part of our mission.